
About Me


My name is Tyler Ray. I was born in California, spent most of my childhood in
Illinois, but later moved to Florida. I am a recent graduate from Full Sail University's Show Production Bachelor's Program. I am currently working on my Entertainment Business Master's Degree with hopes of graduating late 2014. I love working with audio, but I also work with video and lighting as well. I consider myself a disciple of Christ. He is my foundation. I thank Him for all the blessings and gifts that he has given me. God has also taught me to love my fiance, Alyssa Jacob. She is always caring and supportive of me and I look forward to our future together. I am also patriot and proud to call myself a citizen of the United States. I support small business owners because I believe they lay the foundation for this country. I am also a firearms enthusiast and enjoy going to a range to practice shooting in my free time. Along with shooting, I enjoy hunting and fishing in the great outdoors. Although I want to seek a career with audio, I am undecided on what career path I will take. I believe this blog can help build connections and open doors to new opportunities for my future career. I look forward to developing this blog and receiving your feedback.

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